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This web site is intended for use by service professionals who wish to order free promotional materials for our helplines.
Simply select the quantity of each resource you would like from the form below and click the Submit Order button at the bottom of the page to continue.

Please Note: All our promotional materials are bilingual.

CALL Resources

Community Advice and Listening Line

Helpline: 0800 132 737

Website: Helpline

C.A.L.L. - Wales Mental Health Helpline Leaflet

Promotional leaflets
Quantity:   (1-200)

C.A.L.L. - Wales Mental Health Helpline - Card

{Promotional card for the helpline
Quantity:   (1-200)

C.A.L.L. - Wales Mental Health Helpline - Poster

Promotional posters
Quantity:   (1-20)

DAN247 Resources

Welsh Drug & Alcohol Helpline

Helpline: 0808 808 2234

Website: Helpline

Dan 24/7 - Wales Drug & Alcohol Helpline Leaflet Resources

Information on what the helpline provides
Quantity:   (1-200)

Dan 24/7 - Wales Drug & Alcohol Helpline - Card Resources

Promotional cards
Quantity:   (1-200)

Dan 24/7 - Wales Drug & Alcohol Helpline - Poster Resources

Promotional poster
Quantity:   (1-20)

Dementia Helpline Resources

Wales Dementia Helpline

Helpline: 0808 808 2235

Website: Helpline

Wales Dementia Helpline - Leaflet Resources

Promotional leaflets
Quantity:   (1-200)

Wales Dementia Helpline - Card Resources

Promotional leaflets
Quantity:   (1-200)

Wales Dementia Helpline - Poster Resources

Promotional leaflets
Quantity:   (1-200)

Submit Order

Once you have chosen the resources you require click the Submit Order button to continue